meat aisle in grocery

7 Secrets Grocery Stores Don't Want You to Know

Grocery stores are some kind of a must when it comes to what we eat. But are they really anymore? E-commerce is getting omnipresent in our lives, even for food, and those classic stores may be coming to an end in the future. We just don’t know when. Is that really too bad, considering all the things the grocery stores don’t tell you? Here are some examples of secrets supermarkets don’t want you to know.

1. Subliminal music

As you may know, music has a big power. It can be a remedy or a therapy, but it can also drive you to buy and consume more. This is the strategy some markets go for. 

Sometimes, you will hear a loud music, which can be very stressful and will push you to impulsive purchases. Also, you’ll hear slow songs, which psychologically, makes you shop a little slower than usual and makes you stay longer in the store. Obviously, the longer you stay, the more you buy.

2. Dirty – very dirty – carts

When you shop at the grocery store and that you need a lot of stuff, you have to use a shopping cart. But then, you’re exposed to many bacteria. Everyone uses these same carts and the only thing that washes them is rain. And depending on the company, clerks might use them to transport garbage bags, full ones.

3. Expired products

You could, without even knowing it, buy or eat products that are almost expired, or literally expired. When this food’s life comes to an end and they look okay to eat, grocery stores are allowed to put a new label with a new expiration date, in order to extend shelf life.

You could also find these products in your plate if you eat the in-store ready-to-eat meals, because they use these almost expired products to cook that buffet.

4. Eye-level expensive products

Product placement is very important. In fact, the most expensive products are generally placed at eye-level. And colourful kids-wise products are at kids’ eye-level.



5. Chicken with skin today, no skin tomorrow

Grocery stores are unfortunately mastering food recycling. For example, if you see a skin-on chicken breast and that nobody buys it, you might see the same chicken breast the day after, skinless. It’s because after a while, skin may get greenish, but the flesh is still looking good.

6. Don’t trust sprayed vegetables

When you wander down the vegetables section, you’ll see a range of ‘’fresh’’ vegetables sprayed on by water. But are they really fresh? In fact, not knowing how much time they’ve been there and how many times they’ve been sprayed, you should not trust these vegetables.

It’s because the water in the spray is only adding bacteria. Not to mention all the hands that’s been touching the produce all day long.

7. Cash conveyor: germs nest

The conveyor on which you put your food before paying at the cash is a real germs nest. This conveyor belt is washed very rarely if never, and considering everything that touches it, it might not be the cleanest thing in the world.

Maillard, online butcher shop

On the Maillard online butcher shop website, no music to push you to a purchase more, no expired products (thanks to flash freeze) and no germs nest. 

Shop your meat now on



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